This school offers more than one program or track leading to a medical degree.
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
The information below has been provided by the World Directory’s sponsoring organizations.
Unless indicated otherwise, Medical degrees obtained from this medical school are acceptable to the provincial/territorial medical regulatory authorities in Canada, and therefore acceptable to all medical organizations in Canada. For more information about the acceptable medical schools as defined in the Model Standards for Medical Registration in Canada click here.
À moins d’avis contraire, les diplômes de médecine de cette faculté de médecine sont acceptables aux ordres des médecins dans les provinces et territoires du Canada, et par conséquent acceptables à toute autre organisation au Canada qui œuvre dans le domaine médical. Pour plus d'information au sujet des facultés de médecine acceptables, telles que définies dans les normes modèles pour l'inscription médicale au Canada, cliquez ici.
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), United States of America
Students and graduates of this medical school are eligible to apply to ECFMG for ECFMG Certification and for examination, provided that:
- For medical school students officially enrolled in this school, the graduation years are listed below as “current”.
- For graduates of this medical school, their graduation year is included in the graduation years listed below.
Graduation Years:
2015 - Current